Onehunga High School

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Onehunga High School Zone
  1. On the northern side of the Manukau Harbour the boundary runs from Hillsborough Cemetery via Hillsborough Road (including both sides of Hillsborough Road), St Andrews Road to Selwyn Road, Pah Road and Ngaroma Road (included in each case) to One Tree Hill Domain; from the Domain across Campbell Road at its intersection with Moana Avenue – then via Moana Road, Namata Road, Curzon Street, Mays Road and Captain Springs Road (included in each case) to the Manukau Harbour.
  2. South of the Manukau Harbour the boundary follows a line south of Ambury Road, Taylor Road, Domain Road and Hastie Avenue so that both sides of these streets, and the no exit streets leading off them, are included in the Onehunga High School enrolment area.